IDK Technical Side

A blip on the technical side of IDK.documentationidk

Source code

HTML conversion

  1. Use a HTML parser written from scratch for IDK -> HTML conversion, check HTML structure and HTML node creation and appending.
  2. The source code make extend use of the source code repository you can get by subscribing to this substack:, this is a very quick way to be able to work quickly and I learnt a ton by using it.


Some of the UI is produced by the software (Menu, left and right), extras are made using javascript.

IDK parsing

Line of codes

Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
C 102 40217 34836 2522 2859
C Header 97 48233 35183 7098 5952
C++ 6 2165 1715 220 230
Plain Text 1 8996 0 8996 0
Total 206 99611 71734 18836 9041

Use of 1